Friday, September 28, 2012

Clubhouse toilet - sewer pipe clogged

After years of previous management taking a ‘tidak apa’ approach to many issues a huge backlog of maintenance has built up. Slowly but surely the JL team and the maintenance partners from Vodex are tackling the issues.

One recently issue was related to a one of the clubhouse male toilet sewer pipe that was clogged for many months. The team unsuccessfully tried to resolve the a few weeks ago by rodding the pipe and throwing acid in toilet but it failed to can't de-clogged the pipe.

A contractor was called in this week to rectify the matter permanently and root cause of the the actual problem was discovered. It seems that someone inserted in big sponge foam and male underwear into the sewer pipe which clogged up the whole sewer system and caused multiple issues.

blockage 1
Clubhouse male toilet sewer pipe clogged 

blockage 2
Blockage was above space 308/9

blockage 3
Sewer pipe cut into half to remove rubbish stuck inside 

blockage 4
Floors filled with sewer water – the smell is very pungent from far 

blockage 5
Big foam sponge & male underwear insert inside sewer pipe removed from the pipe 


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