Monday, August 15, 2011

Updated Security Alert 15-08-11

Please note the letter from the JMB on the recent break-in cases: security_alert_130811


  1. cool thing~
    i got to tell my wife to remember to bring the access card nowadays.. lol~

  2. Lets hope the rules are strictly enforced without exceptions. Actual owners/tenants will comply for better security

  3. please note the tag reader at level 3 is not working at block F. It has been like that since 4 months ago when i moved in

  4. @Shadarin
    Thanks for hightlighting this however this is due to some tech problems with the system which the management office are trying to resolve.

  5. Those suspects of break-in not only outsiders, for past cases it has been some residents/insiders whom committed the crimes. Yes it is crucial to safe-guard whoever enter & exit condo compound, but internally everyone should take pre-caution against the inside breakers too.

  6. metrodude,

    We are very much aware of that. What we want to do right now is control the basics first. Things have been far too lenient for too long.
