As the year is coming to a close we are preparing for the annual Report which includes the independently audited accounts for 2011.
It has been some months since the last figures were published during the AGM and we would like to take the opportunity to share the current unaudited Cashflow, Balance Sheet and Income & Expenditure report.
Please note these figures are unaudited and maybe subject to corrections by the SPM Accounts Team if required.
At this present time the developer (Setapak Heights) has missed several deadlines and a subsequently the full accounts and building handover to the JMB has yet to take place. This is unacceptable and the COB has been been kept informed whilst the JMC evaluate their options.
Questions/clarifications can only be emailed to the JMC and you must state your name & unit number before any reply will be given
The main objective of this blog is to provide offical information on what the JMC and now the MC are doing and as a newsletter to residents. This blog is a voluntary effort from residents and should any of the residents wish to provide feedback then please contact the MC.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Update - Repair of Car Park Leaks
Further to the recent post of the rectification of the car park leaks we have been advised by subcontractor of the developer that owing to them being unable to complete their repair work last week, they will continue this week and into next week.
This will happen on Friday 30/12/2011, Saturday 31/12/2011 and Monday 2/1/2012. The time will be 9am to 5pm.
Please contact the management office for further information.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Astro Service Interuption
28th December 2011
Dear Residents,
Kindly be informed that the Astro service for Block F and Block J was interrupted due to the centralizer Astro brackets being broken by strong winds.
Immediate action was taken on Tuesday 27/12/2011 to order the broken parts and installation of the new parts will be on Wednesday 28/12/2011.
Completion of installation will be on Wednesday itself and after which the contractor will fine tune the signal.
The Contractor has given residents 5 days to come forward to Management office to report any service disruptions, kindly contact the management office and provide name of resident, unit number, contact number and type of service disruption to us.
Thank you.
The Management Office
Dear Residents,
Kindly be informed that the Astro service for Block F and Block J was interrupted due to the centralizer Astro brackets being broken by strong winds.
Immediate action was taken on Tuesday 27/12/2011 to order the broken parts and installation of the new parts will be on Wednesday 28/12/2011.
Completion of installation will be on Wednesday itself and after which the contractor will fine tune the signal.
The Contractor has given residents 5 days to come forward to Management office to report any service disruptions, kindly contact the management office and provide name of resident, unit number, contact number and type of service disruption to us.
Thank you.
The Management Office
Friday, December 23, 2011
Security contacts
Unfortunately we are still experiencing issues with break ins, vandalism and unsociable behaviour.
All residents are reminded to remain vigilant to any suspicious behaviour and report such instances immediately to security.
The security supervisors can be contacted as follows:
All residents are reminded to remain vigilant to any suspicious behaviour and report such instances immediately to security.
The security supervisors can be contacted as follows:
- Narayan (officer on 24 hrs call) 016 - 242 2518
- Murugan (day officer on 24 hrs call) 010 - 216 8827
- Dayak (night officer and 24 hrs on call) 016 - 297 3397
2012 Fire and Buildings Insurance
We are currently in the process of renewing the insurance for 2012 and looking at options available to ensure that we receive value for money.
As per the resolution passed at the last AGM the sum insured will remain the same.
This will be completed by end of December and we will update you once the policy is available for collection.
As per the resolution passed at the last AGM the sum insured will remain the same.
This will be completed by end of December and we will update you once the policy is available for collection.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Repair of Car Park Leaks
Dear Residents,
Kindly be informed that the following car bays will be closed for repair works to the existing leaks in the car park by the developer
Please take note that the repair work will start on Saturday 24/12/2011 and on Monday 26/12/2011 from 9:00am till 5:00pm
Affected residents can register with security for an allocated visitor parking during the indicated repair schedule.
Apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your kind cooperation.
The Management Office
Kindly be informed that the following car bays will be closed for repair works to the existing leaks in the car park by the developer
Please take note that the repair work will start on Saturday 24/12/2011 and on Monday 26/12/2011 from 9:00am till 5:00pm
Affected residents can register with security for an allocated visitor parking during the indicated repair schedule.
Apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your kind cooperation.
The Management Office
Friday, December 16, 2011
12/12/11 Updated Debtors Report
The latest debtors report is now available for download here: 12/12/11 list of debtors by block
As the enforcement activities take place progress continues to be made.
All residents are reminded to check their statements and report any payments that may have been missed to the management office without delay.
In addition please ensure that you have provided your correct mailing address to the management office to ensure that the bills are sent to the correct location each month.
As the enforcement activities take place progress continues to be made.
All residents are reminded to check their statements and report any payments that may have been missed to the management office without delay.
In addition please ensure that you have provided your correct mailing address to the management office to ensure that the bills are sent to the correct location each month.
Monday, December 12, 2011
JMC Organisational Update 13/12/11
Following the recent resignation of the Chairman the JMC met on Saturday 10th December and agreed on the following appointments from the committee with immediate effect.
- Izhar Yusoff Bin Wanteh Kamal has accepted the position of Chairman and will relinquish the position of secretary
- Robert Wheatland has been appointed as Secretary
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Water Tank Cleaning
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Meeting with JMC @PV10
The JMC is always looking at how to improve and to forge relationships to help bring better results. With this in mind we are contacting other JMC’s and planning several fact finding trips and relationship building visits over the next month or so.
On Saturday 3rd December we visited the JMC team at Platinum Lake Condominium (PV10) in Setapak. The meeting was very interesting with many ideas and advice shared.
Our meeting ended with a tour of the facilities and several good ideas and initiatives will be urgently looked into at Villa Wangsamas
We would like to thank the Mr Benson See, En M. Fairuz Ibrahim and the rest of the team at PV10 for their time and hospitality and we look forward to their visit to Villa Wangsamas and collaborating with them in the future.
On Saturday 3rd December we visited the JMC team at Platinum Lake Condominium (PV10) in Setapak. The meeting was very interesting with many ideas and advice shared.
Our meeting ended with a tour of the facilities and several good ideas and initiatives will be urgently looked into at Villa Wangsamas
We would like to thank the Mr Benson See, En M. Fairuz Ibrahim and the rest of the team at PV10 for their time and hospitality and we look forward to their visit to Villa Wangsamas and collaborating with them in the future.
3/12/12 Debtors Update
The latest debtors report is now available for download here: 26/11/11 list of debtors by block
As the enforcement activities continue place, progress continues to be made with a 55% decrease in the total owing from the high point in October.
The JMC are committed to improving the collection rate and enforcement activities will become part of the Management Office regular weekly routine.
All residents are reminded to check their statements and report any payments that may have been missed to the management office without delay.
In addition please ensure that you have provided your correct mailing address to the management office to ensure that the bills are sent to the correct location each month.
As the enforcement activities continue place, progress continues to be made with a 55% decrease in the total owing from the high point in October.
The JMC are committed to improving the collection rate and enforcement activities will become part of the Management Office regular weekly routine.
All residents are reminded to check their statements and report any payments that may have been missed to the management office without delay.
In addition please ensure that you have provided your correct mailing address to the management office to ensure that the bills are sent to the correct location each month.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Access Card System Issue Update
We would like to update everybody on the current situation with the access card system.
Over the past 6-8 months we have experienced several faults with the system. Troubleshooting has been very difficult since no installation plan/wiring diagram was handed over from the developer. Despite several requests SHD have not co-operated in providing the necessary information to the Management Office.
We have engaged several companies to rectify the problems as they happen but the same problem keeps repeating which suggest something is wrong with the system itself.
Quite recently we purchased a stock of new access cards for residents with damaged/lost cards. However, after formatting and keying the new cards into the system it was found that they didn’t work in many parts of the condominium.
Over the past few weeks we have engaged P&A Concept to analyse and troubleshoot the system. So far we've found a missing controller box and some faulty components which is supposedly the root cause of the new cards not working.
The JMC has authorised the purchase of the required parts and currently we're waiting for the parts to arrive. In the meantime, we ask for your continued patience.
For residents with lost or damaged cards, please contact the management ASAP to get your replacement cards
Over the past 6-8 months we have experienced several faults with the system. Troubleshooting has been very difficult since no installation plan/wiring diagram was handed over from the developer. Despite several requests SHD have not co-operated in providing the necessary information to the Management Office.
We have engaged several companies to rectify the problems as they happen but the same problem keeps repeating which suggest something is wrong with the system itself.
Quite recently we purchased a stock of new access cards for residents with damaged/lost cards. However, after formatting and keying the new cards into the system it was found that they didn’t work in many parts of the condominium.
Over the past few weeks we have engaged P&A Concept to analyse and troubleshoot the system. So far we've found a missing controller box and some faulty components which is supposedly the root cause of the new cards not working.
The JMC has authorised the purchase of the required parts and currently we're waiting for the parts to arrive. In the meantime, we ask for your continued patience.
For residents with lost or damaged cards, please contact the management ASAP to get your replacement cards
New Site Management clerk
Following a staff resignation SPM have appointed Cik Asma Ul-Husna Binti Mohamed Azar as the new Site Managment Clerk effective 1st December 2011.
The JMC would like to welcome Asma to the team and wish her success in the role.
The JMC would like to welcome Asma to the team and wish her success in the role.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Maxis HSBB Installation Update
Dear Residents,
Kindly take note that the installation of the fiber optics for the HIGH SPEED BROADBAND by Maxis is expected to be completed by end December 2011.
A total of 3 different subcontractors will be doing work at various parts of the condo over the coming weeks
If there are any queries or concerns, please contact MO.
We apologize for any unforeseen inconvenience caused.
Thank you for your kind understanding and cooperation.
The Management Office
Kindly take note that the installation of the fiber optics for the HIGH SPEED BROADBAND by Maxis is expected to be completed by end December 2011.
A total of 3 different subcontractors will be doing work at various parts of the condo over the coming weeks
If there are any queries or concerns, please contact MO.
We apologize for any unforeseen inconvenience caused.
Thank you for your kind understanding and cooperation.
The Management Office
Thursday, November 17, 2011
12/11/11 Debtors Update
The latest debtors report is now available for download here: 12/11/11 list of debtors by block
As the enforcement activities take place progress continues to be made.
All residents are reminded to check their statements and report any payments that may have been missed to the management office without delay.
In addition please ensure that you have provided your correct mailing address to the management office to ensure that the bills are sent to the correct location each month.
As the enforcement activities take place progress continues to be made.
All residents are reminded to check their statements and report any payments that may have been missed to the management office without delay.
In addition please ensure that you have provided your correct mailing address to the management office to ensure that the bills are sent to the correct location each month.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
JMC Organisational Update 16/11/11
It is with great regret that JMC have to announce the resignation of our Chairman, Hirman Falani Mohd Affandi from the JMC effective 15th November 2011 due to work and family commitments.
The JMC will meet to elect a new Chairman and the revised structure will be announced shortly.
The JMC will meet to elect a new Chairman and the revised structure will be announced shortly.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Survey for Gym Ventilation
Further to the recent debate around the ventilation in the gym a survey is being conducted to collect the gym users preference regarding whether air conditioning is required, whether fans are required or just open windows.
Please download complete the survey form and email it back to the JMC at
Please ensure that forms are returned by 20th November 2011
Please download complete the survey form and email it back to the JMC at
Please ensure that forms are returned by 20th November 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Violance against contractors/service providers and staff
Ref. No: VWC/JMB/N/019-11
Dear Residents
Further to our recent notice dated 19 September 2011 (ref no: 013-11) regarding violence towards Villa Wangsamas staff or contractors we are distressed to hear of a recent event concerning a resident from E-7-2 which resulted in a guard being hurt, access card reader damage, a crash helmet being thrown and general threatening behaviour.
The details of this shocking behaviour were captured on video
The Management and the JMC would like to reiterate that this type of behaviour is not acceptable under ANY circumstances and offenders we be passed to the police.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Friday, November 4, 2011
31/10/11 Debtors Update
The latest debtors report is now available for download here: 31/10/10 list of debtors by block
Whilst there is a still a large amount outstanding slow steady progress is being made.
Whilst there is a still a large amount outstanding slow steady progress is being made.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Notice - Intercom System
Dear Residents,
Kindly be informed that the Management will be conducting “test calls” to check for problems with the intercom system.
Any residents experiencing faulty intercoms are kindly requested to notify the Management office as soon as possible.
Thank you
The Management Office
Kindly be informed that the Management will be conducting “test calls” to check for problems with the intercom system.
Any residents experiencing faulty intercoms are kindly requested to notify the Management office as soon as possible.
Thank you
The Management Office
Maxis Home - High Speed Broadband Service
Ref. No: VWC/JMB/N/017-11
Date: 24 October 2011
Dear Residents,
We are pleased to announce that the JMC are in discussion with Maxis regarding the installation of fibre optic cables and associated infrastructure at Villa Wangsamas which will enable residents to subscribe to the Maxis Home High Speed Broadband (HSBB).
In addition, Maxis are finalising their IPTV plans. Although no confirmation has been given, it is likely that the IPTV content provider will be Astro which will include the Astro Beyond HDTV service.
Maxis will supply and install the entire infrastructure to every floor at no cost to the JMB. Should owners wish to subscribe, Maxis will then connect to the individual units. Any agreement/contract will be between each individual owner and Maxis, similar to the current arrangement with Astro or TM. The existing infrastructure (centralised dish) will not be touched and will still be in service.
A technical survey/inspection has been carried out by Maxis and the report is available in the management office. All residents (those with no outstanding balance only) may view the report from today until Saturday 29th October.
Those with objections must lodge them with the management office directly or via email to the JMC at before 30 Oct 2011. If there are no objections, the JMC will give the approval to proceed.
Thank you.
On Behalf of the JMC,
Hirman Falani Bin Mohd Affandi
Date: 24 October 2011
Dear Residents,
We are pleased to announce that the JMC are in discussion with Maxis regarding the installation of fibre optic cables and associated infrastructure at Villa Wangsamas which will enable residents to subscribe to the Maxis Home High Speed Broadband (HSBB).
In addition, Maxis are finalising their IPTV plans. Although no confirmation has been given, it is likely that the IPTV content provider will be Astro which will include the Astro Beyond HDTV service.
Maxis will supply and install the entire infrastructure to every floor at no cost to the JMB. Should owners wish to subscribe, Maxis will then connect to the individual units. Any agreement/contract will be between each individual owner and Maxis, similar to the current arrangement with Astro or TM. The existing infrastructure (centralised dish) will not be touched and will still be in service.
A technical survey/inspection has been carried out by Maxis and the report is available in the management office. All residents (those with no outstanding balance only) may view the report from today until Saturday 29th October.
Those with objections must lodge them with the management office directly or via email to the JMC at before 30 Oct 2011. If there are no objections, the JMC will give the approval to proceed.
Thank you.
On Behalf of the JMC,
Hirman Falani Bin Mohd Affandi
Friday, October 21, 2011
Mgt Office extend working hours during LOD enforcement
20th October 2011
Dear Residents,
Re : LOD Enforcement
Please be advised that during the initial LOD enforcement period whereby those who have failed to settle their monthly service charge/water bill will be denied access to common facilities, the Management office will be extending their opening hours for three (3) days as follows:
Effective 22nd, 24th and 25th October 2011.
Saturday from 1:00pm to 5:00pm
Monday and Tuesday from 5:00pm to 9:00pm
This is to facilitate our residents who have time constraint to make payment and update their accounts accordingly.
Thank you and looking forward to receive your payments.
Lily Wong
Building Manager – Villa WangsaMas Condominium
Dear Residents,
Re : LOD Enforcement
Please be advised that during the initial LOD enforcement period whereby those who have failed to settle their monthly service charge/water bill will be denied access to common facilities, the Management office will be extending their opening hours for three (3) days as follows:
Effective 22nd, 24th and 25th October 2011.
Saturday from 1:00pm to 5:00pm
Monday and Tuesday from 5:00pm to 9:00pm
This is to facilitate our residents who have time constraint to make payment and update their accounts accordingly.
Thank you and looking forward to receive your payments.
Lily Wong
Building Manager – Villa WangsaMas Condominium
20/10/11 Debtors Update
The management office are currently in the process of issuing letters of demand to all defaulters. As you can see from the list getting people to pay is slow progress but the JMC and the Management Office are determined to tackle the issue.
The action plan has already been published and the first batch of defaulters to be denied access to common services will take place next week.
The updated list is available here: 17/10/10 List of debtors by block
The action plan has already been published and the first batch of defaulters to be denied access to common services will take place next week.
The updated list is available here: 17/10/10 List of debtors by block
Friday, October 14, 2011
14/10/11 Debtors Update
The management office are currently in the process of issuing letters of demand to all defaulters. As you can see from the list getting people to pay is slow progress but the JMC and the Management Office are determined to tackle the issue.
The action plan has already been published and the first batch of defaulters to be denied access to common services will take place soon.
The updated list is available here: 081010 List of debtors by block
The action plan has already been published and the first batch of defaulters to be denied access to common services will take place soon.
The updated list is available here: 081010 List of debtors by block
Monday, October 10, 2011
One Way Door Locks
Following recent security issues and feedback received from residents the installation of one way door locks to the stair cases in each block has been initiated.
The locks are being installed on all floors except the main lobby level (L1) and as a result anybody who enters the staircase will need to descend to L1 into order to exit.
Please note that we are installing fire resistant locks which meet the required Bomba specifications and regulations.
Whilst we appreciate that this may inconvenience some residents who use the staircase we hope that this necessary increase in security will be understood.
Finally if any residents find the fire doors propped open then please help everybody by taking a moment to close them.
The locks are being installed on all floors except the main lobby level (L1) and as a result anybody who enters the staircase will need to descend to L1 into order to exit.
Please note that we are installing fire resistant locks which meet the required Bomba specifications and regulations.
Whilst we appreciate that this may inconvenience some residents who use the staircase we hope that this necessary increase in security will be understood.
Finally if any residents find the fire doors propped open then please help everybody by taking a moment to close them.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
06/10 Update 2011 - Service Charge Defaulters
Further to the previous post on 17/09 an update on the action plan is available here: Updated defaulters plan
In addition an updated list of defaulters as of 3rd October is available below and will be posted on the notice board of each block over the next few days.
Download: List of debtors by block
Please note that once the 2010 accounts handover is complete a similar exercise will be initiated to recover those monies as well.
For further information please contact the Management Office.
In addition an updated list of defaulters as of 3rd October is available below and will be posted on the notice board of each block over the next few days.
Download: List of debtors by block
Please note that once the 2010 accounts handover is complete a similar exercise will be initiated to recover those monies as well.
For further information please contact the Management Office.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
New Building Manager
Ref. No: VWC/JMB/N/015-11
Date: 1 October 2011
Dear Residents,
The JMC are constantly reviewing the performance of the service providers employed at Villa Wangsamas to ensure that we receive value for money and the desired level of service.
Following multiple complaints about the management office over the past 9 months the JMC have been in extensive dialogue with SPM over the numerous open issues and stalled projects/improvements that are blighting us and have agreed a course of action which will hopefully improve things.
Effective 30th September Ms Lily Wong has been appointed as the Senior Building Executive for Villa Wangsamas. In view of this appointment Mr Akhtar Ayub Mohd Aslam has been transferred to another SPM site with immediate effect. The JMC would like to thank Akhtar for his services over the past 9 months and wish him well with his new appointment.
The JMC would like to welcome Ms Lily to Villa Wangsamas and wish her success in her new role.
Thank you.
On Behalf of the JMC,
Hirman Falani Bin Mohd Affandi
Date: 1 October 2011
Dear Residents,
The JMC are constantly reviewing the performance of the service providers employed at Villa Wangsamas to ensure that we receive value for money and the desired level of service.
Following multiple complaints about the management office over the past 9 months the JMC have been in extensive dialogue with SPM over the numerous open issues and stalled projects/improvements that are blighting us and have agreed a course of action which will hopefully improve things.
Effective 30th September Ms Lily Wong has been appointed as the Senior Building Executive for Villa Wangsamas. In view of this appointment Mr Akhtar Ayub Mohd Aslam has been transferred to another SPM site with immediate effect. The JMC would like to thank Akhtar for his services over the past 9 months and wish him well with his new appointment.
The JMC would like to welcome Ms Lily to Villa Wangsamas and wish her success in her new role.
H/P: 016-221-3399 |
Thank you.
On Behalf of the JMC,
Hirman Falani Bin Mohd Affandi
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Violence Against Management/Contractors/Service Providers
Ref. No: VWC/JMB/N/013-11
Date: 19 September 2011
Dear Residents,
Following a dispute over an incorrectly clamped car at the weekend, two security personnel were attacked by a resident from H-2-x with a stick or pole.
Fortunately the security officers were not badly hurt and the issue has now become a police matter.
The management and their contractors are entitled to perform their duties without incurring abuse, threats, harassment or violence from residents and the JMC will support them seeking full police action for any breach of this.
Any disputes should be solved amicably as civilised adults and not with violence
Thank you for your cooperation.
Date: 19 September 2011
Dear Residents,
Following a dispute over an incorrectly clamped car at the weekend, two security personnel were attacked by a resident from H-2-x with a stick or pole.
Fortunately the security officers were not badly hurt and the issue has now become a police matter.
The management and their contractors are entitled to perform their duties without incurring abuse, threats, harassment or violence from residents and the JMC will support them seeking full police action for any breach of this.
Any disputes should be solved amicably as civilised adults and not with violence
Thank you for your cooperation.
Vandalissm and Throwing of Objects
Ref. No: VWC/JMB/N/012-11
Date: 19 September 2011
Dear Residents,
There has been cases of vandalism and throwing of objects out of balconies happening at our condominium.
Vandalism cases have typically involved children of residents who were not supervised by their parents. Any damage to property as a result of vandalism will result in the repair costs being born by the residents concerned. We ask all residents to ensure that their children are properly supervised at all times to help prevent vandalism and injury occurring.
Please note vandalism is a serious issue and the security company have handed previous culprits over to the police.
We are continuing to see cases of people throwing items out of their balconies (cigarette butts, tissue papers, plastic etc). This is not only dangerous but also totally uncivilised. Part of the requirement of living in a community is to follow the rules and be considerate to your neighbours.
The management will not hesitate to take necessary action against those found to be throwing items out of their balcony.
If you have any queries regarding this matter, please contact the Management Office via:
Tel: 03 - 4149 7233
Email :
Thank you.
On Behalf of the JMC,
Hirman Falani Bin Mohd Affandi
Date: 19 September 2011
Dear Residents,
There has been cases of vandalism and throwing of objects out of balconies happening at our condominium.
Vandalism cases have typically involved children of residents who were not supervised by their parents. Any damage to property as a result of vandalism will result in the repair costs being born by the residents concerned. We ask all residents to ensure that their children are properly supervised at all times to help prevent vandalism and injury occurring.
Please note vandalism is a serious issue and the security company have handed previous culprits over to the police.
We are continuing to see cases of people throwing items out of their balconies (cigarette butts, tissue papers, plastic etc). This is not only dangerous but also totally uncivilised. Part of the requirement of living in a community is to follow the rules and be considerate to your neighbours.
The management will not hesitate to take necessary action against those found to be throwing items out of their balcony.
If you have any queries regarding this matter, please contact the Management Office via:
Tel: 03 - 4149 7233
Email :
Thank you.
On Behalf of the JMC,
Hirman Falani Bin Mohd Affandi
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Security Alert 17/09/11
On Saturday 17th September several units at Tower B were broken into and valuables were stolen. The security and police are investigating the incidents which have occurred at a weekend as opposed to a weekday when most of the other incidents occurred.
The management are currently awaiting full details from the police reports should any new important facts be establish then we will endeavor to share via this blog asap.
It is highly possible that these incidents are linked and that the perpetrators maybe be staying at Villa Wangsamas so as to move around freely.
Please remain extremely vigilant at all times and report anything suspicious to security immediately.
In addition all residents must ensure that their property is adequately secured all times. Some options available secure your property are:
The management are currently awaiting full details from the police reports should any new important facts be establish then we will endeavor to share via this blog asap.
It is highly possible that these incidents are linked and that the perpetrators maybe be staying at Villa Wangsamas so as to move around freely.
Please remain extremely vigilant at all times and report anything suspicious to security immediately.
In addition all residents must ensure that their property is adequately secured all times. Some options available secure your property are:
- Change the door locks Installation of a grille
- Use of clamps ground the grille
- Securing the 2nd door from inside so that it cannot be forced open Fit a quality alarm with a monitoring facility
- Installation of CCTV at your front door
Saturday, September 17, 2011
2011 Service Charge Defaulters
Following the recent requests for payment for the 2011 service charge and threats of action the level of service charge defaulters remains unacceptably high.
Owing to this the management will be will be taking the actions as detailed in the following letter: List of defaulters and actions
A list of defaulters as of the 12th September is available below and will be posted on the notice board of each block over the next few days.
Download: List of debtors by block
Please note that once the 2010 accounts handover is complete a similar exercise will be initiated to recover those monies as well.
For further information please contact the Management Office or the JMC.
Owing to this the management will be will be taking the actions as detailed in the following letter: List of defaulters and actions
A list of defaulters as of the 12th September is available below and will be posted on the notice board of each block over the next few days.
Download: List of debtors by block
Please note that once the 2010 accounts handover is complete a similar exercise will be initiated to recover those monies as well.
For further information please contact the Management Office or the JMC.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Completed CF
We have recently received several queries regarding the status of the Certificate For Operation for Villa Wangsamas.
The following notice confirms that that a full CF has been issued a copy can be downloaded from the blog:
The following notice confirms that that a full CF has been issued a copy can be downloaded from the blog:
Final warning to Service Charge defaulters
Please be advised that action will be taken against service charge defaulters very soon.
The following letter lists the actions to be taken: Final Action Letter
All residents are reminded to settle their service charge within the time stipulated on the monthly bill.
The following letter lists the actions to be taken: Final Action Letter
All residents are reminded to settle their service charge within the time stipulated on the monthly bill.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Service Charge Billing Update
**Corection the billing date change will take effect in October**
From November we are changing the billing schedule as follows:
In addition the management would like to remind residents to settle their bills on time and an exercise to tackle defaulters is about to commence with action taken as per the houserules.
Please contact the management office for further information
From November we are changing the billing schedule as follows:
- The statement will be sent/posted by 25th of every month however the billing date will remain at the 1st of every month.
- The water bill cut off will change to the 15th of the previous month to allow for the readings and calculations to be performed in time for delivery of the 25th.
In addition the management would like to remind residents to settle their bills on time and an exercise to tackle defaulters is about to commence with action taken as per the houserules.
Please contact the management office for further information
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Call For Volunteers
The JMC are always looking for volunteers however previously the response has been quite poor.
It’s evident from the direct feedback we get as well as that on Facebook and Yahoo that many people have some great ideas and passion to help improve our condominium.
Our Chairman has just published the following letter regarding a call for volunteers: Call For Volunteers
It’s evident from the direct feedback we get as well as that on Facebook and Yahoo that many people have some great ideas and passion to help improve our condominium.
Our Chairman has just published the following letter regarding a call for volunteers: Call For Volunteers
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Monday, September 5, 2011
Hari Raya Gathering - update
Due to unforeseen circumstances our planned open house gathering has been moved from the Saturday to Sunday 18th September 11:00am to 3:00pm.
Our gathering will be a pot luck affair but we would welcome any donations or contribution in kind. We only ask that any foodstuff contributed be Halal so it can be enjoyed by everybody.
Further information will be availablle in the next few days.
Our gathering will be a pot luck affair but we would welcome any donations or contribution in kind. We only ask that any foodstuff contributed be Halal so it can be enjoyed by everybody.
Further information will be availablle in the next few days.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Phase 2 Entrance Card Reader
Please note that the card reader at the Phase 2 entrance has been damaged due to a careless motorcycle rider.
The management are currently working to get this replaced and motorcycle rider will be billed for the damage.
The management are currently working to get this replaced and motorcycle rider will be billed for the damage.
JMC Meeting Minutes 30th July 2011
Please be advised that the minutes of JMC meeting held on the 30th July 2011 are now available on line here: JMC Meeting 30/07/11
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Access Card System
Dear Residents,
Please be informed that the Management is already at its final stage in solving the problem of the faulty access card system. We are making every effort to ensure its serviceability as soon as possible.
For the residents who have faulty cards or are not in possession of cards, kindly come by the Management office for a temporary-access letter.
Kindest Regards,
The Management Office.
Please be informed that the Management is already at its final stage in solving the problem of the faulty access card system. We are making every effort to ensure its serviceability as soon as possible.
For the residents who have faulty cards or are not in possession of cards, kindly come by the Management office for a temporary-access letter.
Kindest Regards,
The Management Office.
Selamat Hari Raya
On behalf of Villa Wangsamas, the Management would like to wish all its residents a very warm and festive Hari Raya. Maaf zahir dan Batin.
During this season, the Management advises its residents to ensure that their doors and windows are secured and locked properly. Kindly ensure that all possessions are kept safe.
During this season, the Management advises its residents to ensure that their doors and windows are secured and locked properly. Kindly ensure that all possessions are kept safe.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Unauthorised security grilles **UPDATE**
Further to the posting on 9th July relating to unauthorised security grilles in common areas several owners refused to remove the grilles which left the management office no choice but to remove them by force.
Please ensure that all grilles and front doors are approved in writing by the management office and that storage of personal items in the common area is not allowed.
Please ensure that all grilles and front doors are approved in writing by the management office and that storage of personal items in the common area is not allowed.
We recently encountered a case of serious vandalism whereby several signs and walls were burnt . The persons responsible were caught and determined to be children of several residents of Villa Wangsamas.

The matter was passed to the police has now been forwarded to their families to fund the cost of repairs to the damaged areas.
Vandalism and arson will not be tolerated and we ask that all residents work together to take care of the common area at Villa Wangsamas
The matter was passed to the police has now been forwarded to their families to fund the cost of repairs to the damaged areas.
Vandalism and arson will not be tolerated and we ask that all residents work together to take care of the common area at Villa Wangsamas
Monday, August 15, 2011
Updated Security Alert 15-08-11
Please note the letter from the JMB on the recent break-in cases: security_alert_130811
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Hari Raya Gathering
Dear Neighbours,
Hari Raya (Eid Fitr) is just around the corner and the JMC is happy to inform that we will be organizing a Raya Get Together for all Villawangsamas residents.
Date: 17 September 2011 (Saturday)
Time: From 11.00 a.m. To 3.00 p.m.
Venue: Multipurpose Hall, Villa Wangsamas Condominium
Let us come together to celebrate this joyous occasion as one big family.
Our gathering will be a pot luck affair but we would welcome any donations or contribution in kind. We only ask that any foodstuff contributed be Halal so it can be enjoyed by everybody.
If you have any enquiries regarding the gathering, please contact Ms Norliah @ 019 2728 902.
Yours sincerely,
Hirman Falani bin Affandi (Chairman)
Hari Raya (Eid Fitr) is just around the corner and the JMC is happy to inform that we will be organizing a Raya Get Together for all Villawangsamas residents.
Date: 17 September 2011 (Saturday)
Time: From 11.00 a.m. To 3.00 p.m.
Venue: Multipurpose Hall, Villa Wangsamas Condominium
Let us come together to celebrate this joyous occasion as one big family.
Our gathering will be a pot luck affair but we would welcome any donations or contribution in kind. We only ask that any foodstuff contributed be Halal so it can be enjoyed by everybody.
If you have any enquiries regarding the gathering, please contact Ms Norliah @ 019 2728 902.
Yours sincerely,
Hirman Falani bin Affandi (Chairman)
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
JMC Meeting Minutes 16th July 2011
Please be advised that the minutes of JMC meeting held on the 16th July 2011 are now available on line here: JMC Meeting 16/07/11
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Cafeteria Poll & Feedback
We have received numerous complaints about the cafeteria in parallel to some other issues and the management would like hear your view views on what sort of cafeteria would you like.
We do not want to hear how bad the food is etc but just want to hear your ideas on what you would like. In addition to this a poll has been created on this blog to capture some of the feedback around the types of food you would like.
Please take a moment to complete the poll and ideas can be sent to
We do not want to hear how bad the food is etc but just want to hear your ideas on what you would like. In addition to this a poll has been created on this blog to capture some of the feedback around the types of food you would like.
Please take a moment to complete the poll and ideas can be sent to
Saturday, July 30, 2011
2011 Raya Open House
An important date for your diaries:-
We are pleased to announce that we are planning a Raya Open House event on the Saturday 17th September at 11am.
Further details will follow shortly.
We are pleased to announce that we are planning a Raya Open House event on the Saturday 17th September at 11am.
Further details will follow shortly.
Kindergarten and Childcare Centre
As you are probably aware a kindergarten and child care centre were built by the developer and are located on the ground floor of tower F.
The developer is finally finishing of the last few items and will shortly hand over the units in their basic state.
In parallel to this the management office are preparing to put this out to tender.
We are keen to hear your views on what YOU would like from these facilities and what you deem a reasonable rate to pay.
An option to open the centre up to outsiders will be considered to make it more attractive to operators.
Please provide your feedback to the JMC via
The developer is finally finishing of the last few items and will shortly hand over the units in their basic state.
In parallel to this the management office are preparing to put this out to tender.
We are keen to hear your views on what YOU would like from these facilities and what you deem a reasonable rate to pay.
An option to open the centre up to outsiders will be considered to make it more attractive to operators.
Please provide your feedback to the JMC via
JMC Organisation Chart
Following the appointment of some new JMC members during the recent AGM we are please to announce that a copy of the latest JMC organisation chart can be found on the JMC page of this blog.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Gym Commitee
Following on from the success of the Musolla committee we are delighted to announce that that one of our new JMC members, Dr. Kousay A. Ali has kindly agreed to lead the Gym committee.
We are aware that improvements are needed however with severe financial constraints large expenditure will probably not be possible. Dr. Kousay will be looking at all aspects of the GYM and feedback can be submitted to him via
We are aware that improvements are needed however with severe financial constraints large expenditure will probably not be possible. Dr. Kousay will be looking at all aspects of the GYM and feedback can be submitted to him via
Car Clamping Issues
Last weekend our security company clamped several cars.
The next day it was discovered that both cars and the clamping sets had gone.
The management office have raised police reports and JPJ checks have indicated that at least of the cars belongs to a resident.
In addition to making the police report the management office will do their best to ensure that cost of the clamp, lock and fine is recovered.
In the mean time until this is settled we have requested that the following cars be banned from the car park.
Level P4
Level P2
The next day it was discovered that both cars and the clamping sets had gone.
The management office have raised police reports and JPJ checks have indicated that at least of the cars belongs to a resident.
In addition to making the police report the management office will do their best to ensure that cost of the clamp, lock and fine is recovered.
In the mean time until this is settled we have requested that the following cars be banned from the car park.
Level P4
Level P2
2011/12 JMC Members
Please be advised that the JMC page has been updated to reflect the new 2011/12 commitee.
An organsiation chart is currently being produced and will be uploaded asap.
An organsiation chart is currently being produced and will be uploaded asap.
Update to the Houserules
During the recent AGM several changes were agreed to the Houserules. As well as the changes listed below, updates were made to the wording to make it more explicit in many areas and hopefully prevent confusion and ambiguoity.
The main areas updated are as follows:
The main areas updated are as follows:
- Explain moving in/out process + payment of a deposit
- Details/changes on delivery and renovation hours
- Limits on renovation work
- Persons caught with pets/animals will be liable for a fine
- Guidelines for burning rituals
- Guidelines around private gardens
- Guidelines for cycling, skateboarding, games in commons areas
- Provision for visitors parking charge if required at a later point
- Definition of common facilities
- More clarity around actions taken for non payment of service charge
- No smoking or alcohol consumption in the pool area
Gym A/C
Please be advised that the air conditioning equipment in the gym will be switched off until further notice.
This is due to the urgent need to reduce costs and also in response to complaints from the majority of gym users who do not want air conditioning and then subsequently open the gym windows.
Yours Sincerely,
Please be advised that the air conditioning equipment in the gym will be switched off until further notice.
This is due to the urgent need to reduce costs and also in response to complaints from the majority of gym users who do not want air conditioning and then subsequently open the gym windows.
Yours Sincerely,
Monday, July 18, 2011
JMC Meeting Minutes 2nd July 2011
Please be advised that the minutes of JMC meeting held on the 2nd July 2011 are now available on line here: JMC Meeting 02/07/11
2011 AGM Meeting Minutes
Please note that the meeting minutes from the 2011 AGM are now available and can be downloaded from here: 2011 AGM Minutes
Monday, July 11, 2011
Service Charge Increase
During the AGM on 25th June 2011 an increase in the service charge from 12c to 15c per sq ft effective 1st July 2011 was approved.
Unfortunately the July Service Charge bill was sent out without any notification of this which has now resulted in confusion and concern.
The following letter from the JMB Chairman regarding this will be distributed to all units asap:
Please contact the management office or the JMC should you have any queries.
Unfortunately the July Service Charge bill was sent out without any notification of this which has now resulted in confusion and concern.
The following letter from the JMB Chairman regarding this will be distributed to all units asap:
Please contact the management office or the JMC should you have any queries.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
JMC Meeting Minutes – 11th June 2011
Please be advised that the minutes of JMC meeting held on the 11th June 2011 are now available on line here: JMC Meeting 11/06/11
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Unauthorised security grilles in the common areas
There have been several instances of penthouse owners installing grills several metres in front of the their units thereby sealing off the common corridor area outside their unit. Within this area shoe cabinets and other items have been observed.
Although this doesn’t impact any other unit the area is deemed a common area therefor it's totally unacceptable and is against regulations.
These grills need to be removed and warning letters have been sent. The management office will remove the offending grille and cabinets at the owners cost in the next 7-14 days.
Please contact the management office if you require further clarification.
Although this doesn’t impact any other unit the area is deemed a common area therefor it's totally unacceptable and is against regulations.
These grills need to be removed and warning letters have been sent. The management office will remove the offending grille and cabinets at the owners cost in the next 7-14 days.
Please contact the management office if you require further clarification.
Additional Car Parking Spaces
There have been many enquires as to the status of the additional parking spaces that the developer held and were previously selling. The management office are currently investigating however it looks like these were the additional visitor car parking spaces that become available when Phase II opened.
The JMC are looking into whether we can rent these spaces out without an AGM/EGM resolution due to the low AGM turnout and the many requests received.
We will keep you updated on the progress.
The JMC are looking into whether we can rent these spaces out without an AGM/EGM resolution due to the low AGM turnout and the many requests received.
We will keep you updated on the progress.
AGM Presentation & Photo’s
Firstly our apologies for the delay in publishing the minutes.
The delay is due to some errors which needed to be corrected and some clarification required around the attendance/voting of some of the AGM attendee's.
Whilst this is being addressed we have uploaded a copy of the presentation as well as some photos courtesy of Chris Jong.
The slides are available here: 2011_AGM_PACK
The delay is due to some errors which needed to be corrected and some clarification required around the attendance/voting of some of the AGM attendee's.
Whilst this is being addressed we have uploaded a copy of the presentation as well as some photos courtesy of Chris Jong.
The slides are available here: 2011_AGM_PACK
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
JMC Meeting Minutes – 28th May 2011
Please be advised that the minutes of JMC meeting held on the 28th May 2011 are now available on line.
The minutes can be found here: JMC Meeting Minutes 20/05/11
The minutes can be found here: JMC Meeting Minutes 20/05/11
Monday, June 27, 2011
AGM Update and 2010 Accounts
Firstly many thanks to everybody who attended the AGM.
We are currently awaiting the completion of the minutes and other formalities and will endeavour to update this site asap.
Although the accounts handover has not yet been completed we are able to publish the 2009/10 audited accounts which Mr Philip from SPM presented last Saturday.
The 2010 accounts are available here: 2010_audited_accounts
We are currently awaiting the completion of the minutes and other formalities and will endeavour to update this site asap.
Although the accounts handover has not yet been completed we are able to publish the 2009/10 audited accounts which Mr Philip from SPM presented last Saturday.
The 2010 accounts are available here: 2010_audited_accounts
Friday, June 24, 2011
Jan - May 2011 Income and Expenditure
Whilst the handover of the 2009 and 2010 accounts from the developer is still in progress we are currently unable to provide you with any real details from that period.
From January 1st the JMC have been able to track the income and expenditure of Villa Wangsamas and make decision accordingly.
The current income is not sufficient to cover our costs and this coupled with the delayed handover of the sinking fund prevents many of the desired improvements from taking place,
We are happy to share the income and expenditure for Jan 20011 to May 2011 which will provide you with a greater understanding of the challenges that we face.
In addition we have also detailed how any potential service charge increase would impact the income.
Please remember that these are non audited and are subject to change during the annual audit process.
The details are available here: 2011VWM_I&E
From January 1st the JMC have been able to track the income and expenditure of Villa Wangsamas and make decision accordingly.
The current income is not sufficient to cover our costs and this coupled with the delayed handover of the sinking fund prevents many of the desired improvements from taking place,
We are happy to share the income and expenditure for Jan 20011 to May 2011 which will provide you with a greater understanding of the challenges that we face.
In addition we have also detailed how any potential service charge increase would impact the income.
Please remember that these are non audited and are subject to change during the annual audit process.
The details are available here: 2011VWM_I&E
Termination of the Landscaping Contractor
Please note that the services of the current landscaping contractor have been terminated due to unsatisfactory performance.
Due to the need to increase the scope of the gardening work to cover phase 2 we are likely to encounter a significant increase in costs for landscaping.
Whilst the budgets for 2011/2 are unclear until decisions are made at the AGM, the JMC have requested further quotes and options however in the meantime a contractor has been engaged to perform grass cutting services only.
Due to the need to increase the scope of the gardening work to cover phase 2 we are likely to encounter a significant increase in costs for landscaping.
Whilst the budgets for 2011/2 are unclear until decisions are made at the AGM, the JMC have requested further quotes and options however in the meantime a contractor has been engaged to perform grass cutting services only.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
**Update** Handover of accounts and liabilities to JMB
Over the past 2 weeks there has been a flurry of activity regarding the overdue handover of the accounts, monies and liabilities from the developer to Villa Wangsamas.
The Villa Wangsamas team (JMC and SPM) have met with the COB (Commissioner of Buildings) and the Setapak Heights Sdn Bhd an agreed a way forward.
There are still a few questions and concerns however the targeted date for completion of the handover is today (22nd June) subject to everything being in order with both parties.
We will update you in due course following the meetings later today.
The Villa Wangsamas team (JMC and SPM) have met with the COB (Commissioner of Buildings) and the Setapak Heights Sdn Bhd an agreed a way forward.
There are still a few questions and concerns however the targeted date for completion of the handover is today (22nd June) subject to everything being in order with both parties.
We will update you in due course following the meetings later today.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Villa Wangsamas JMB 3rd AGM **Reminder**
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
JMC / Volunteer Opportunities
Villa Wangsamas is a large development and as I’m sure you are aware there is much to be done by the JMC and our Management Office to bring about the desired improvements.
During the forthcoming AGM on the 25th June there is a strong possibility that some committee members may resign which may provide opportunities for enthusiastic parcel owners to join the committee.
We are aware that some people are unable to join the JMC for various reasons e.g. their partner is the registered parcel owner however the JMC are always willing to talk with residents who wish to volunteer their time to assist the JMC in making Villa Wangsamas a better place to live.
Pre requisites for either position are:
We are particularly interested to hear from residents who have experience in the following areas:
If you are interested in helping in any way then please contact the JMC via:
During the forthcoming AGM on the 25th June there is a strong possibility that some committee members may resign which may provide opportunities for enthusiastic parcel owners to join the committee.
We are aware that some people are unable to join the JMC for various reasons e.g. their partner is the registered parcel owner however the JMC are always willing to talk with residents who wish to volunteer their time to assist the JMC in making Villa Wangsamas a better place to live.
Pre requisites for either position are:
- Not a service charge defaulter
- Team player
- Aable to spend time for meetings and projects
- High emotional intelligence (EQ).
We are particularly interested to hear from residents who have experience in the following areas:
- Accountancy
- Legal
- Property management
- Structural Engineering
- Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing
- Website/Blog design
If you are interested in helping in any way then please contact the JMC via:
Saturday, June 4, 2011
General Updates 04/06/11
The AGM preparation is on-going and by now notices have been placed and letters are being distributed. In addition to this several banners are being produced and will be placed near each entrance.The local YB and Setapak Heights will be invited and we will keep you updated on whether they will be able to attend.
The AGM is an important event for parcel owners and several important resolutions will be tabled along with JMC elections and a potential service charge rise so your attendance is important.
Car Stickers
New car stickers are currently under production with a view to commencing distribution within the next few weeks.The cost to residents is still being worked upon but will be minimal (eg RM2-4 each)
A clear transition plan is being produced and will be shared asap.
A point to note is that after a certain period of time cars will be periodically checked and those found without a new sticker will be clamped so once the new stickers are launched then your cooperation in swapping them over will be appreciated.
Repainting of common area corridors on L1-6
The corridor walls in the common areas have showing signs of wear and tear. The Management Office will be commencing a repainting exercise which will utilise our in-house team of handymen.Management Office changes
Over the past month several Management Office organisation changes have taken space with Akhtar being initially transferred and after intervention from the JMC he has now returned.As part of the restructuring Lawrence has moved to another development and Fuzi has joined the team to help support Akhtar.
The JMC feel that the personnel changes over the past few months have been disruptive and have impacted the quality of service received. The situation is being closely watched and both SPM and the JMC are committed to making improvements where necessary.
Handover of Accounts/Liabilities from Setapak Heights
To date there is still no real progress or formal response from the developer. The developer continues to pass the issue around amongst their organisation e.g.. person x says speak to person y who says speak to person z who then says speak to person x.In addition to this Dato Marco has yet to confirm when he will be available to meet SPM/JMC.
Due to the lack of progress the JMC have requested that legal action commence and the issue has now been passed to the lawyers.
No Pets
Following on from the recent activities to enforce the no pets ruling under section 2.5 of the house rules it has been noted that several posters have been placed in the lifts disagreeing with this.
The no pets rule is very clearly stated within the house rules and the person who wrote the poster either failed to read the rules or chose to ignore the particular rule.
The JMC are happy to discuss the issue in person and would like to request the creator of the poster contact the JMC via or by contacting a committee member in person.
The no pets rule is very clearly stated within the house rules and the person who wrote the poster either failed to read the rules or chose to ignore the particular rule.
The JMC are happy to discuss the issue in person and would like to request the creator of the poster contact the JMC via or by contacting a committee member in person.
Friday, June 3, 2011
JMC Meeting Minutes 14/05
Please be advised that the minutes from the JMC meeting are now available online here: JMC Meeting Minutes 14/05
We are still in the process of uploading copies of the minutes from previous meetings.
**Update** No pets allowed at Villa Wangsamas
Further to the recent post on the 24th May the Management are compiling a list of offending units and informing the authorities of such offenders.
For reference a copy of the letter for the first few blocks can be found here: No Pets Letter to DBKL
Please remember that the house rules clearly state that no pets are allowed so no excuses will be accepted.
For reference a copy of the letter for the first few blocks can be found here: No Pets Letter to DBKL
Please remember that the house rules clearly state that no pets are allowed so no excuses will be accepted.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
JMC Organisational Change
It is with regret that JMC have to announce the resignation of our Secretary, Amanda Tee, effective 30th May due to the sale of her unit.
We would like to thank Amanda for her support and cooperation during the difficult times over the past 2 years and wish her the best in her future undertakings.
In the next JMC meeting on the 11th June a stand in Secretary will nominated by the JMC to cover the period until the AGM on the 25th June at which point the position will be available for election.
We would like to thank Amanda for her support and cooperation during the difficult times over the past 2 years and wish her the best in her future undertakings.
In the next JMC meeting on the 11th June a stand in Secretary will nominated by the JMC to cover the period until the AGM on the 25th June at which point the position will be available for election.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Handover of Accounts & Liabilities - Update
Further to the posting on the 9 May 2011 SPM met with the accountant of Setapak Heights (Ms Liang Wai Kiat) on 13 May 2011 to discuss the handover of the accounts and liabilities to Villa Wangsamas JMB.
The steps outlined to SPM were in an informal and potentially unbinding fashion and the JMC have requested a formal agreement so that once certain steps have been taken the handover will be complete.
A copy of the letter can be viewed here: SHD Letter 1805011
After a long period of non communication the JMC welcome dialogue but are disappointed that it has taken 6 months for the developer to only now ask for such items and agreements in a way detailed above.
The steps outlined to SPM were in an informal and potentially unbinding fashion and the JMC have requested a formal agreement so that once certain steps have been taken the handover will be complete.
A copy of the letter can be viewed here: SHD Letter 1805011
After a long period of non communication the JMC welcome dialogue but are disappointed that it has taken 6 months for the developer to only now ask for such items and agreements in a way detailed above.
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