Saturday, July 9, 2011

AGM Presentation & Photo’s

Firstly our apologies for the delay in publishing the minutes.

The delay is due to some errors which needed to be corrected and some clarification required around the attendance/voting of some of the AGM attendee's.

Whilst this is being addressed we have uploaded a copy of the presentation as well as some photos courtesy of Chris Jong.

The slides are available here: 2011_AGM_PACK


  1. Fund collected for Clamping Vehicle in Apr 2011 and May 2011 was too low. I had seen quite of number cars being claimed in the past few month just purely at P1. However the account show only 2 vehicles claimed in a month which was unacceptable for me. Please review the payment procedure to check whether the defaulter paid to the guard to unlock the claimp in more cheaper price instead of going to the MO.

  2. We are aware of this and the issue is being addressed by SPM and Eagle Eye with the appropriate credits being made to our account this month.

    Theere have been instances of people damaging the clamps and the issue have been refered to the police.

  3. Thank you for your prompt response on this matter. Really appriciate your hardwork and the rest of fellow committee members. Millions thanks to all of you.
