Monday, September 12, 2011

Service Charge Billing Update

**Corection the billing date change will take effect in October**

From November we are changing the billing schedule as follows:
  • The statement will be sent/posted by 25th of every month  however the billing date will remain at the 1st of every month.
  • The water bill cut off will change to the 15th of the previous month to allow for the readings and calculations to be performed in time for delivery of the 25th.
The November Statement is now scheduled to be delivered on the 25th Octoner 2011.

In addition the management would like to remind residents to settle their bills on time and an exercise to tackle defaulters is about to commence with action taken as per the houserules.
Please contact the management office for further information


  1. Hi,

    Meaning to say, you guys already have the full list of defaulters? Mind to share with the rest?


  2. Hopefully it will be available soon for publication.
