Friday, July 17, 2015

Public Holiday

Dear all Owners / Residents,


Please be informed that the Management Office will be closed on Friday 17th & Saturday 18th July 2015 for Hari Raya AidilFitri and will resume operation on Monday 20th July 2015.

Thank You
Management Services

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Billing for July, August & September

We regret to announce that due to the change in Maintenance billing calculation from per sq ft to per Share Unit, there are some delays in the issuing of the invoice for July-September.

All invoices should be sent out by end of day Tuesday 14 July.

Please contact the Management Office if you require further information. 

LS Ang Astro HD Promotion - Last Day

Please be advised that our Astro Satellite based HD TV provider is currently holding a promotional roadshow with special offers for both new customers and those who wish to upgrade.

The following notices provide more details:

LS Ang Roadshow Notice
LS Ang Villa Wangsamas Promo Prices

Rooftop Repairs Update

Last year several Towers  encountered multiple roof leaks which affected both residents units and the common areas. Until this point, the leaks were repaired by patching on an as needed basis however with the increasing number of areas requiring repair, this method wasn’t practical and didn’t offer good value for money.

A survey of all roofs was performed by several contractors and it was found that Towers F, C & A required major repairs in that order of urgency.

A significant investment was required and after a lengthy tender process a contractor was appointed.

The contractor (JCi Waterproofing) will apply a new Acrylic Membrane after preparing the existing surface and repairing the cracks with hydraulic cement. The work carries a 5 year workman warranty and a 5 year product warranty.

imageThe and the works have commenced several months ago with Tower F complete and Tower C in progress.

More photos of the works can be found here: Tower F Roof Repairs

Other Towers are being monitored on a regular basis for similar issues.