Thursday, February 26, 2015

Car Park Flow and Signage Update

Further to our Notice dated 31 December 2014 on the above matter, we are pleased to announce that the new signage has been installed at all levels of the car park. The level by level installation has enabled us to make adjustments to improve the impact of the signage following feedback.

A new “Car Park Safety“ notice has also been installed at the two entry points to our car park to remind Residents on how to drive safely in the car park.

The new flow has been designed to improve safety and solve existing conflict issues which prevented some Phase 1 Residents from legally reaching their space if they entered via Gate 2.

Feedback from Residents has been generally positive; however we regret any confusion caused by conflicting road markings. The installation of the new thermoplastic road markings is expected to be completed within the next 2-3 weeks.

During this interim period several Guards are temporally assigned to the middle ramp to assist with the traffic management during peak hours in the mornings and evenings to help direct the flow.

Please be reminded that any damage or vandalism caused to the safety poles installed at turns, or to any signage, or any removal of the same, will be billed back to the Unit.

Whilst the road markings are in a state of transition please follow the new signage direction and abide by the Car Park Safety advice.

Your cooperation and support in helping to make our car park a safer place to drive in is appreciated.

Warm Regards,
Villa Wangsamas JMC

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