Friday, September 27, 2013

Violence and abuse towards the Management Office Team

The management and their contractors are entitled to perform their duties without incurring abuse, threats, harassment or violence from residents and the JMC will support them seeking full police action for any breach of this as well as the publishing of their details on the blog/notice boards.

Any disputes should be solved amicably as civilised adults and not with violence and threatening behavior.

Yesterday morning a resident from G-6-6 damaged the management office mirrored window when he started throwing items over an issue with his Astro TV service (which had already been resolved).

Our CCTV system captured the appalling and unacceptable behaviour and a extract of the footage is below:

The Management and the JMC would like to reiterate that this type of behaviour is not acceptable under ANY circumstances and offenders we be passed to the police.

Thank you for your cooperation.


  1. saya perlukan rakaman cctv melibatkan pemotongan kabel astro rumah G-6-6......dan nyatakan kenapa dipotong....baru lah adil...baru kita tau kenapa penghuni tersebut marah.....jangan pulak pihak management bersikap membaling batu sembunyi tangan.....

  2. sila sertakan sekali rakaman cctv sebelumnya.....kita nak tengok adakah org ini terus mengamuk....atau mengamuk kerana tidak dilayan seperti seharusnya oleh pihak ini menunggu lebih kurang 2 jam untuk melihat rakaman cctv dan berjumpa dgn manager....tetapi tidak dilayan....dan tidak dibenarkan untuk melihat rakaman cctv melibatkan pemotongan kabel astro rumah beliau.....manager bernama ben lim cuba untuk menyembunyikan sesuatu.....adakah penghuni ini disabotaj oleh pihak management? kes ini sampai sekarang gagal diselesaikan oleh pihak management......

  3. kalau anda lihat dan dengar secara detail.....dgr betul2 ape yg org ini berkata.......dan lihat sendiri pekerja agen astro juga menunggu bersama beliau untuk dengar penjelasan dr mr manager ben langsung tidak langsung tak profesional......memang patut kena baling......

  4. tiada jwapan atas comment diatas.....adakah pihak management makan gaji buta.....

  5. masih tiada jawapan.....kalau betul seperti dikata... (which had already been resolved). jawab la.....jangan jadi munafik

  6. You are already in communication with JMC members so there is no need to start posting comments on here.

    As this is an old thread it will now be locked
