Friday, June 14, 2013

Security Contact Details

The security company and our Management Office team have been working to improve the performance of the guards. As a result several personnel changes have been made over the past month or so which has resulted in several changes to contact numbers and we would like to apologise for any inconvenience that this has caused.

We are pleased to report that there is now a dedicated phone line to contact our security 24 hours a day:

24 HOURS A DAY - 011-23066966

Alternatively, please call the following lines if you cannot access the above number:

PRAVIN - 014-9177913 8am-6pm
ARVIN   - 014-3297829 4pm-12am (midnight)
SASI      - 016-684693511pm-9am

If the above people are not available then please call Mahendran: 012-6096414

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