Monday, January 30, 2012

Update On Accounts Handover from the Developer

Ref. No: VWC/JMB/004-12
Date: 30 January 2012

Dear Residents,

This is to inform you of the progress made on the handover of accounts from our developer Setapak Heights Development Sdn. Bhd. (SHD).

Following many delays we are pleased to announce that on 18 January 2012 we received the following items from SHD:
  1. Balance Sheet as at 31-12-2011
  2. Profit & Loss Account as at 31-12-2011
  3. List of Fixed Assets as at 31-12-2011
  4. MBB Bank Statement for the period Jan-March 2011
  5. Cash Book for the period Jan-March 2011
  6. GL Code for Audited Balance sheet items for opening balance as at 1-1-2011
  7. Debtors' Aging Summary Report as at 31-12-2010

SPM are currently going through the documents received and hope to be able to reconcile the accounts by end of January which will then be reflected in your next bill.

Following this any monies still owed or paid in advance prior to 2011 will be reflected in your statement of account. As a result, the list of defaulters will also be revised accordingly to include debtors prior to 1st January 2011.

Please contact the management office should you have any concerns.

Thank you.

On Behalf of the JMC,

Izhar Yusoff B. Wanteh Kamal

Sunday, January 15, 2012

New Security Company

Following numerous complaints and a lack of subsequent improvement along with the need to reduce expenditure, we have appointed East West Security to replace Eagle Eye effective 1st Feb 2012.

The new security company are currently reviewing our SOP's and improvements will be made improve access control and preventing the abuse of the visitors parking areas.

Whilst we hope the transition will be smooth we request your patience should any issues occur.

Please contact the management office of the JMC via email should you have any concerns.

Water Leaks

The Management is concerned and will continue to address all leakage problems and cases of similar nature reported by owners and occupants in Villa Wangsamas. The following are the guidelines to address this matter:-

1) All complaints / reports must be made at the Management Office. The Management staff will record the necessary information and an acknowledge copy of the said complaint / report will be made available to the complainant which should be kept for future references.

2) The Management staff will inspect and establish the source of the leakage which would be either from the common area, units above or from those which are neighbouring the effected unit.

3) Should the source of the leakage is from the common area; the Management will undertake the remedial works or take the necessary action to rectify the problem.

4) If the source of the leakage is from the neighbouring unit, the Management will write to notify the problem to the unit's owner. The Management will accommodate a joint inspection at the owner's request.

5) The unit's owner is required by BCM Act 663 to maintain their parcel and keep it in the state of good order.

6) The parties involved should ideally work hand in hand to rectify the problem in good neighbourliness manner.

7) The Management will act as a mediator to parties involved and will assist with necessary advice.

We hope the above guidelines are sufficient and look forward to harmonious living in Villa Wangsamas.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Tower E Astro System Repair

Dear Residents of Block E,

Re : Replacement of Astro Centralizer Bracket

Kindly be informed that we will be replacing the worn out Astro centralizer bracket on Thursday 19th January 2012 at 10:00am.

If you receive any Astro intermittent interruptions after the replacement, kindly come to the Management office immediately (within 5 days) and provide us with your problem details in order to facilitate the Astro contractor to do the follow-ups.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused but at the same time, we are trying to improve and to provide you with better services.

Thank you.

The Management Office

Gym Closed

Dear Residents,

The gymnasium will be closed for two (2) days due to ceiling repairs from 16th January 2012 till 17th January 2012.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Thank you.

The Management Office

Objects Thrown From Units

All residents and visitors are reminded not to throw and objects out oft their windows/balcony what so ever.

A resident in Tower G recently had a lucky escape when a cigarette butt was thrown out of a window and was then subsequently blown back into a unit below causing several burn marks to the bedding.

This could easily resulted in a serious fire and is totally unacceptable.

Residents are reminded to follow the house rules at all times and the management will not hesitate to take necessary action against those found to be throwing items out of their unit.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

7/1/12 Updated Debtors report

The latest debtors report is now available for download here: 07/01/12 list of debtors by block

Please note all monies outstanding for more than 60 days will result in recovery action being taken regardless of the sum owing.

All residents are reminded to check their statements and report any payments that may have been missed to the management office without delay.

In addition please ensure that you have provided your correct mailing address to the management office to ensure that the bills are sent to the correct location each month

Theft of Lightning Arrestors

Following a recent roof inspection it was found that the grilles and locks were on several blocks were damaged and subsequently it was discovered that several lighting arrestors have been stolen.

A police report has been raised and possibility that this is linked to several other crimes is being looked into by the Police.

Some sample pictures are below:


The JMC have instructed both the Management Office and SPM HQ to urgently replace lighting arrestors.

We would like to request that all residents remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the security supervisors immediately.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Renewal of Insurances

Please be advised that for 2012 our insurances will be under RHB instead of MAA. RHB is currently preparing the certificates for the owners but unfortunately some units are lacking some information such as the financing bank.

Residents are kindly asked to drop by the Management Office and update their details ASAP.

Thank you.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Maxis Home Service

Further to the post on the 19th November regarding the installation of Maxis High Speed Broadband service, Maxis have confirmed that the installation is now complete and residents can now place orders.

Over the next few weekends Maxis staff will be folding a roadshow on site at the Clubhouse for residents to sign up or make enquiries.

Further information is available in a copy of the flyer: maxis_roadshow

Friday, January 6, 2012

Lifts Update

Please be advised that effective 1st January C Elevators have taken over the maintenance and servicing of Phase 1 lifts from Kone.

Last September C Elevator were awarded the maintenance contract for Phase 2 and by consolidating vendors cost savings and service improvements can be achieved.

Owing to the number of lifts to service it is planned to have a lift technician on site Mon-Fri during business hours who can also assist with any breakdowns which occur.

Over the past few months C Elevators have been repairing the damage caused by vandalism however this is almost a never ending battle and anybody who has information regarding the culprits should contact Ms Lily at the management office.

In addition we have put out to tender various options for lift interior upgrades and over the next few weeks we will be evaluating the responses. Following this we will provide an update and details of the next steps to be taken.

Astro Outage Update

Following on from the recent outage with our centralised Astro system which impacted several blocks we have received the report from the contractor which explains the reasons for the outage and the action taken.

Download: Astro Outage Report
Please note the file size is quite large so it may take a few minutes to download.
The management will be checking the other blocks and if necessary take remedial action to ensure that the dishes are adequately supported.

If any residents are still encountering issues with their Astro system then please contact the management office.