Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Violence Against Management/Contractors/Service Providers

Ref. No: VWC/JMB/N/013-11
Date: 19 September 2011

Dear Residents,
Following a dispute over an incorrectly clamped car at the weekend, two security personnel were attacked by a resident from H-2-x with a stick or pole.

Fortunately the security officers were not badly hurt and the issue has now become a police matter.

The management and their contractors are entitled to perform their duties without incurring abuse, threats, harassment or violence from residents and the JMC will support them seeking full police action for any breach of this.

Any disputes should be solved amicably as civilised adults and not with violence

Thank you for your cooperation.

Vandalissm and Throwing of Objects

Ref. No: VWC/JMB/N/012-11
Date: 19 September 2011

Dear Residents,
There has been cases of vandalism and throwing of objects out of balconies happening at our condominium.

Vandalism cases have typically involved children of residents who were not supervised by their parents.  Any damage to property as a result of vandalism will result in the repair costs being born by the residents concerned. We ask all residents to ensure that their children are properly supervised at all times to help prevent vandalism and injury occurring.

Please note vandalism is a serious issue and the security company have handed previous culprits over to the police.

We are continuing to see cases of people throwing items out of their balconies (cigarette butts, tissue papers, plastic etc). This is not only dangerous but also totally uncivilised. Part of the requirement of living in a community is to follow the rules and be considerate to your neighbours.

The management will not hesitate to take necessary action against those found to be throwing items out of their balcony.

If you have any queries regarding this matter, please contact the Management Office via:
Tel: 03 - 4149 7233
Email : vwangsamas@gmail.com
Thank you.

On Behalf of the JMC,

Hirman Falani Bin Mohd Affandi

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Security Alert 17/09/11

On Saturday 17th September several units at Tower B were broken into and valuables were stolen. The security and police are investigating the incidents which have occurred at a weekend as opposed to a weekday when most of the other incidents occurred.

The management are currently awaiting full details from the police reports should any new important facts be establish then we will endeavor to share via this blog asap.

It is highly possible that these incidents are linked and that the perpetrators maybe be staying at Villa Wangsamas so as to move around freely.

Please remain extremely vigilant at all times and report anything suspicious to security immediately.

In addition all residents must ensure that their property is adequately secured all times. Some options available secure your property are:
  • Change the door locks Installation of a grille
  • Use of clamps ground the grille
  • Securing the 2nd door from inside so that it cannot be forced open Fit a quality alarm with a monitoring facility
  • Installation of CCTV at your front door

    Saturday, September 17, 2011

    2011 Service Charge Defaulters

    Following the recent requests for payment for the 2011 service charge and threats of action the level of service charge defaulters remains unacceptably high.

    Owing to this the management will be will be taking the actions as detailed in the following letter: List of defaulters and actions

    A list of defaulters as of the 12th September is available below and will be posted on the notice board of each block over the next few days.

    Download: List of debtors by block

    Please note that once the 2010 accounts handover is complete a similar exercise will be initiated to recover those monies as well.

    For further information please contact the Management Office or the JMC.

    Friday, September 16, 2011

    Completed CF

    We have recently received several queries regarding the status of the Certificate For Operation for Villa Wangsamas.

    The following notice confirms that that a full CF has been issued a copy can be downloaded from the blog:

    Final warning to Service Charge defaulters

    Please be advised that action will be taken against service charge defaulters very soon.

    The following letter lists the actions to be taken: Final Action Letter

    All residents are reminded to settle their service charge within the time stipulated on the monthly bill.

    Monday, September 12, 2011

    Service Charge Billing Update

    **Corection the billing date change will take effect in October**

    From November we are changing the billing schedule as follows:
    • The statement will be sent/posted by 25th of every month  however the billing date will remain at the 1st of every month.
    • The water bill cut off will change to the 15th of the previous month to allow for the readings and calculations to be performed in time for delivery of the 25th.
    The November Statement is now scheduled to be delivered on the 25th Octoner 2011.

    In addition the management would like to remind residents to settle their bills on time and an exercise to tackle defaulters is about to commence with action taken as per the houserules.
    Please contact the management office for further information

    Sunday, September 11, 2011

    Call For Volunteers

    The JMC are always looking for volunteers however previously the response has been quite poor.

    It’s evident from the direct feedback we get as well as that on Facebook and Yahoo that many people have some great ideas and passion to help improve our condominium.

    Our Chairman has just published the following letter regarding a call for volunteers: Call For Volunteers

    Wednesday, September 7, 2011

    Hari Raya Gathering Update and Details

    raya VWMS 2011

    Monday, September 5, 2011

    Hari Raya Gathering - update

    Due to unforeseen circumstances our planned open house gathering has been moved from the Saturday to Sunday 18th September 11:00am to 3:00pm.

    Our gathering will be a pot luck affair but we would welcome any donations or contribution in kind. We only ask that any foodstuff contributed be Halal so it can be enjoyed by everybody.

    Further information will be availablle in the next few days.

    Friday, September 2, 2011

    Phase 2 Entrance Card Reader

    Please note that the card reader at the Phase 2 entrance has been damaged due to a careless motorcycle rider.

    The management are currently working to get this replaced and motorcycle rider will be billed for the damage.

    JMC Meeting Minutes 30th July 2011

    Please be advised that the minutes of JMC meeting held on the 30th July 2011 are now available on line here: JMC Meeting 30/07/11