Friday, March 4, 2011

Resident Data Information Form

The new management are currently updating their records and require all owners and residents to complete an information data form by the 31st March 2011.

Copies of the forms are available both online in English and Malay and at the management office:

This information is needed for the management to contact owners/residents in case of any issue, emergency or for communication purposes.

All information received will be treated as Private and Confidential and not passed on to a 3rd party.

This is large and time consuming task to complete so your prompt response will be much appreciated.


  1. Wouldn't it be better if the forms are distributed to every unit, with clear instructions on requirements and due date of submission; instead of residents having to collect them from the office? Then, the yahoo & facebook groups should also be made known of the online forms.....just a suggestion.

  2. I believe that the Management Office will be distributing the forms at some point however to start with the forms are only online or in the office.

    This blog is the official online news channel and Yahoo/Facebook groups have been informed about the blog.

  3. agree with M and the management should distribute the forms to all unit and this will shows that the management is really serious about it. banner should mention the process of new management new action and this is the beginning step on improving the work processes.
    not all resident check email or log in....
