Kindly be informed
that there was a massive over flow of sewerage water at the our parking complex level P4 at the entrance
of Block E due to a main sewerage pipe burst.
Management has called in
our contractor to rectify the damage immediately and the contractors were
requested to perform the final rectification works for the damaged pipes at 12:00 midnight, Tuesday 23 Feb 2016.
Due to the work nature
of replacing the main sewerage pipes the maintenance personal would be required
to shut off the water supply to all the units of Block C & D from 12:00am until 3:00am, 23rd February 2016. (Tonight).
As such, the Residents
are advised to store water for any emergency usage during this period.
Any inconvenience
caused is deeply regretted.
Thank you
Management Services
For and On Behalf of Villawangsamas MC