Monday, October 28, 2013

Club House Access

Here is a copy of the notice posted on the notice boards regarding access to the Club House:


Dear Residents,

Please be informed that the access path into clubhouse from the mini market corridor is now open to residents with immediate effect. Residents may use this path as a short cut into management office, gym room or the Surau as an alternative route.

This access door is open from 7.00 am till 7.00 pm on daily basis until further notice.


Saturday, October 26, 2013

Cafe Update & Tender Process

We are pleased to announce that the ground floor level of the clubhouse that was occupied by the previous cafe operator has now been cleared and is open.

The JMC and Management Office team are currently looking into the options for the long term use of this space .

The cafe premises are currently being cleared and Villa Wangsamas JMB are now sourcing operators to run the a food (cafeteria) business at the premises located at Clubhouse Level 1.

Two tender notices have been placed in The Star and Harian Metro and these should appear early next week.


The Management also invites any residents whom are in the mentioned business with a good track record, have finance ability and trade capability to participate in our tender exercise.

Residents who keen to participle may view the premises by making an appointment with the Management Office prior to their visit.

Tender Open Date: 21/10/13 (Monday)
Tender Close Date: 8/11/13 (Friday)

  • The submission of tender documentation must reach the Management Office by 12:00 noon on Friday 8th November 2013
  • Tenderer must include in their tender document, their operator license, business proposal/approach/concept, franchising business from others (if any), number of staff etc.
  • Tenderer's are advised that the business will be restricted to Villa Wangsamas residents only
  • Fixation of the rental is determined by the highest bid offered by the tenderer
  • The successful tenderer is reminded to obtain all relevant licenses and insurance from the Local Authorities before attempting to operate
  • No staff are permitted to reside or stay overnight in the business at any time
  • All food must be Halal 

Please contact the management office for further information.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

TNB Power Interruption – 23 Oct 13

Please be reminded that TNB have advised that there is a power interruption today between 11:00-19:00

Please click on the letter below for a larger image.


Thursday, October 17, 2013

2013 AGM update

There have been several recent enquiries regarding the date of the 2013 AGM.

Owing to preparation issues the plan to hold it earlier this month clearly didn't materialise.

We are currently trying to finalise the proposed 2014 budget so that it has little or no impact on residents and services are not unduly reduced if no service charge increase occurs. We will communicate more this once the proposal is completed.

Once everything is ready formal notices will be issued to each unit giving one months notice. Looking at the current date we anticipate a late November or early December AGM.

Security Contact Details - Update

Please note that the security contact details have been updated and Praveen is no longer based at our site. The revised details are:

24 HOURS A DAY - 011-23066966

Alternatively, please call the following lines if you cannot access the above number:

MATHAN - 014-9716081 (Day)
ARVIN   - 014-3297829 (Day)
HAMZAH - 018-2303005 (Day)

HAZMIRUL - 019-3039465 (Night)

Note: the night shift rotate to cover mornings

If the above people are not available then please call Mahendran: 012-6096414

Gym update

So far the feedback on our renovated gym has been positive which is pleasing.

In the last few weeks a large mirror has also been added.

The requests to revise the opening hours are being considered and will be discussed at the next AGM.

Pool Area Furniture

For far too long the lack of pool furniture has been both an embracement and frustrating for the many residents who use the pool area.

We are please to announce that a number of sun loungers, side tables, umbrellas and table sets have been now ordered. In addition we are currently sourcing for a contractor to build some concrete benches around the side of the pool similar to the picture below.

Pleaser note that the photos are for illustrative purposed only and the colours and final finish are slightly different.

At night once the pool closes the security guards will securure the furniture to help prevent misuse.

Swimming Pool Signs

We have recently procured doubled sided lollypop signs to place round the pool when when maintenance is is taking place as well and to close off the pool outside of opening hours.

The date of full implementetion is still TBC alough it should be soon.

These signs will be connected by a chain and it is hoped that they offer a clear visual deterrent not to enter the water.


Linkbrige Gates & Lobby Door Update

One of the key security items agreed at the last AGM was the installation of access controlled gates and doors at the Link Bridges and Lobby areas along with CCTV to monitor those entrance/exits

Its frustrating that progress is slow although we are pleased to confirm that work has started.

CCTV & Access Control Works
Since these were taken more work has commenced in other blocks in preparation for the installation of the ironwork/glass doors

Iron Work/Doors
We are in the final stages of the tender process and hope to immanently award the contract. 

The JMC were recently reviewing samples of the proposed ironwork (without the glossed finish)

We aim to try and complete the all blocks in one go however this will depend on the final cost and budget available.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Debtors Update: 1 October 2013

The latest debtors report is now available for download here: 01/10/13 list of debtors by block

All residents are reminded to check their statements and report any payments that may have been missed to the management office without delay.

Unfortunately we have some very stubborn and perpetual defaulters who are being dealt with by legal action to recover the outstanding amount.

Caught on CCTV

Despite the installation of CCTV and notices advising people not to remove the plastic film in the lift its disappointing to see that these were not followed by somebody in Tower E.

In addition a person was seen in ripping down a sign in a Tower A lift and therowing it on the floor.

Please contact the Management Office or JMC if you have any information regarding the identity of these people

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Office Closed - Hari Raya Haji

Please be informed that the management office will be closed on the:


Please keep your home safe by locking all doors and grills or informing someone to keep a look out if you’re planning a holiday.

And on the management side, we wish all our muslim residents and their families
“Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Haji”.

Thank You

Management Services

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Pedestrian Access Control

The access control system for pedestrian entry has finally been installed and is now active.

All pedestrian visitors or residents without access cards will need to register at the guardhouse.

Please note that entry/exit at guardhouse 3 is for residents with access cards only.

 All other persons must travel via guardhouse 1 or 2.

There is still some snagging works to complete and temporary signage has been installed.

Post 2 guardhouse
Gate 3
Gate 1
Post 2

Based on experience its likely that some people will try to refuse the follow the system and cause an issue. The security company have been informed to strictly enforece this and we ask for your coperation to help make Villa Wangsamas a safer environment for everybody.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Health Authority Aedes Survey

Owing to the current dengue crisis the Heath Ministry will be conducting a Aedes Survey on 8 October 10am-2pm.

Please see the official notice here: Aedes Survey

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Lift Interior works update

The upgrade of the lift interiors has commenced although there are some delays due to sub contractor issues. The Management Office team and the JMC are working to try and resolve these problems and our lift contractor has assured us that they will make up the time later on.

Several lifts have been partially completed and whilst we are awaiting some snagging works and the fitting of the new door sensors it was decided to leave the protective plastic film in place to protect the interior.

We are extremely disappointed to note that that this film has been partially pulled off by several people with at least one person interfering with our CCTV system.

The management office are currently tracking these persons down and they are likely to be fined for damaged caused.

A notice will be added to remind residents not to remove the plastic film.

If anybody knows the persons in the video then please contact the management office or JMC in the strictest confidence.