Tuesday, June 28, 2011

JMC Meeting Minutes – 28th May 2011

Please be advised that the minutes of JMC meeting held on the 28th May 2011 are now available on line. 

The minutes can be found here: JMC Meeting Minutes 20/05/11

Monday, June 27, 2011

AGM Update and 2010 Accounts

Firstly many thanks to everybody who attended the AGM.

We are currently awaiting the completion of the minutes and other formalities and will endeavour to update this site asap.

Although the accounts handover has not yet been completed we are able to publish the 2009/10 audited accounts which Mr Philip from SPM presented last Saturday.

The 2010 accounts are available here: 2010_audited_accounts

Friday, June 24, 2011

Jan - May 2011 Income and Expenditure

Whilst the handover of the 2009 and 2010 accounts from the developer is still in progress we are currently unable to provide you with any real details from that period.

From January 1st the JMC have been able to track the income and expenditure of Villa Wangsamas and make decision accordingly.

The current income is not sufficient to cover our costs and this coupled with the delayed handover of the sinking fund prevents many of the desired improvements from taking place,

We are happy to share the income and expenditure for Jan 20011 to May 2011 which will provide you with a greater understanding of the challenges that we face.

In addition we have also detailed how any potential service charge increase would impact the income.

Please remember that these are non audited and are subject to change during the annual audit process.

The details are available here: 2011VWM_I&E

Termination of the Landscaping Contractor

Please note that the services of the current landscaping contractor have been terminated due to unsatisfactory performance.

Due to the need to increase the scope of the gardening work to cover phase 2 we are likely to encounter a significant increase in costs for landscaping.

Whilst the budgets for 2011/2 are unclear until decisions are made at the AGM, the JMC have requested further quotes and options however in the meantime a contractor has been engaged to perform grass cutting services only.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

**Update** Handover of accounts and liabilities to JMB

Over the past 2 weeks there has been a flurry of activity regarding the overdue handover of the accounts, monies and liabilities from the developer to Villa Wangsamas.

The Villa Wangsamas team (JMC and SPM) have met with the COB (Commissioner of Buildings) and the Setapak Heights Sdn Bhd an agreed a way forward.

There are still a few questions and concerns however the targeted date for completion of the handover is today (22nd June) subject to everything being in order with both parties.

We will update you in due course following the meetings later today.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Villa Wangsamas JMB 3rd AGM **Reminder**

The management have placed banners at each entrance to raise awareness of the AGM which takes place on 25th June.

By now everybody should have received the following notices. Please contact the Management Office if you have not received your forms.

Please click on the images for an enlarged view.

Notice 1
Notice 2
notice 3
notice 4

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

JMC / Volunteer Opportunities

Villa Wangsamas is a large development and as I’m sure you are aware there is much to be done by the JMC and our Management Office to bring about the desired improvements.

During the forthcoming AGM on the 25th June there is a strong possibility that some committee members may resign which may provide opportunities for enthusiastic parcel owners to join the committee.

We are aware that some people are unable to join the JMC for various reasons e.g. their partner is the registered parcel owner however the JMC are always willing to talk with residents who wish to volunteer their time to assist the JMC in making Villa Wangsamas a better place to live.

Pre requisites for either position are: 
  • Not a service charge defaulter
  • Team player
  • Aable to spend time for meetings and projects
  • High emotional intelligence (EQ).

We are particularly interested to hear from residents who have experience in the following areas:

  • Accountancy
  • Legal
  • Property management
  • Structural Engineering
  • Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing
  • Website/Blog design

If you are interested in helping in any way then please contact the JMC via: vwm.jmc@gmail.com

Saturday, June 4, 2011

General Updates 04/06/11


The AGM preparation is on-going and by now notices have been placed and letters are being distributed. In addition to this several banners are being produced and will be placed near each entrance.

The local YB and Setapak Heights will be invited and we will keep you updated on whether they will be able to attend.

The AGM is an important event for parcel owners and several important resolutions will be tabled along with JMC elections and a potential service charge rise so your attendance is important.

Car Stickers

New car stickers are currently under production with a view to commencing distribution within the next few weeks.

The cost to residents is still being worked upon but will be minimal (eg RM2-4 each)

A clear transition plan is being produced and will be shared asap.

A point to note is that after a certain period of time cars will be periodically checked and those found without a new sticker will be clamped so once the new stickers are launched then your cooperation in swapping them over will be appreciated.

Repainting of common area corridors on L1-6

The corridor walls in the common areas have showing signs of wear and tear. The Management Office will be commencing a repainting exercise which will utilise our in-house team of handymen.

Management Office changes

Over the past month several Management Office organisation changes have taken space with Akhtar being initially transferred and after intervention from the JMC he has now returned.

As part of the restructuring Lawrence has moved to another development and Fuzi has joined the team to help support Akhtar.

The JMC feel that the personnel changes over the past few months have been disruptive and have impacted the quality of service received. The situation is being closely watched and both SPM and the JMC are committed to making improvements where necessary.

Handover of Accounts/Liabilities from Setapak Heights

To date there is still no real progress or formal response from the developer. The developer continues to pass the issue around amongst their organisation e.g.. person x says speak to person y who says speak to person z who then says speak to person x.

In addition to this Dato Marco has yet to confirm when he will be available to meet SPM/JMC.

Due to the lack of progress the JMC have requested that legal action commence and the issue has now been passed to the lawyers.

No Pets

Following on from the recent activities to enforce the no pets ruling under section 2.5 of the house rules it has been noted that several posters have been placed in the lifts disagreeing with this.

The no pets rule is very clearly stated within the house rules and the person who wrote the poster either failed to read the rules or chose to ignore the particular rule.

The JMC are happy to discuss the issue in person and would like to request the creator of the poster contact the JMC via vwm.jmc@gmail.com or by contacting a committee member in person.

Friday, June 3, 2011

JMC Meeting Minutes 14/05

Please be advised that the minutes from the JMC meeting are now available online here: JMC Meeting Minutes 14/05

We are still in the process of uploading copies of the minutes from previous meetings.

**Update** No pets allowed at Villa Wangsamas

Further to the recent post on the 24th May the Management are compiling a list of offending units and informing the authorities of such offenders.

For reference a copy of the letter for the first few blocks can be found here: No Pets Letter to DBKL

Please remember that the house rules clearly state that no pets are allowed so no excuses will be accepted.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

JMC Organisational Change

It is with regret that JMC have to announce the resignation of our Secretary, Amanda Tee, effective 30th May due to the sale of her unit.

We would like to thank Amanda for her support and cooperation during the difficult times over the past 2 years and wish her the best in her future undertakings.

In the next JMC meeting on the 11th June a stand in Secretary will nominated by the JMC  to cover the period until the AGM on the 25th June at which point the position will be available for election.