Thursday, March 17, 2016

Constructing the Security Control Centre

The Residents of Villa Wangsamas Condominium,

In the run up to the Changing of the Guards, the relocation of CCTV system from its obscure position to a new Security Control Centre (SCC) by the new security services company, Dansyia Technology Sdn. Bhd., has commenced.

The SCC  shall occupy the ground floor lobby area of the Clubhouse, behind the Sundry Store and shall look like this.

The work is scheduled for 6 weeks, with a target end completion date of March 31st 2016.

There are 2 Notices in respect of the SCC construction.

March 23, 2016 – 9:30 am to 12:30 pm
1) Drilling a new conduit hole in the floor of the Clubhouse to cater for new network and CCTV cables.

March 24, 2016 – 10:30 am to 11:30 am
2) An electricity supply interruption to Al Ehsan Restaurant to cater for the relocation of DB Boxes.

The Management and Dansyia Technology would like to apologise for any inconveniences due to the above works and appreciates the cooperation from all Residents of Villa Wangsamas.

Thank you

Chairman | Management Committee
Villa Wangsamas Condominium Management Corporation

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Changing of the Guards on 31st March 2016

Dear Residents of Villa Wangsamas Condominium

1. The current security company has served Villa Wangsamas well with very few exceptions; cases of vandalism was not reported involving resident’s and common properties.

2. They have been with us for more than 2 years but familiarity has its setbacks.

3. They have requested for a big increase in fees, together with GST, it becomes too expensive.

We also have invested heavily on CCTVs for the past years but it is hardly being put to use nor maintained.

The MC therefore agreed and called for proposals to utilize the CCTVs and the provision of security guards.

1. The new security company will provide an integrated security solution

        a. Making use of the CCTVs system

        b. Upgrading and maintaining the CCTVs

        c. Provide the security guards to man the gates and patrol the Villa

2. The MC has also secured a slightly lower monthly fees than current one, locked for two years.

With the changing of the guards, we look forward to a more secured and a safer place for the Residents of Villa Wangsamas.

“Togetherness for the betterment of our Villa”

Thank you.

Azimi Mohd Salleh

Villa Wangsamas Condominium Management Corporation Committee

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

New Appointment of Resident Manager & Auditor

Dear valued owners and residents,

Management Corporation (MC) committees had agreed and initiated a full time owner/resident in the management office, Mr. Izzuddin as Resident Manager, to assist the MC and Management Office team from JL Facilities Management (MO) especially on the accounting and tender related matters.

We are also pleased to announce Jeffrey Suffian Chartered Accountants as our new Auditor for the account ended 31st December 2015. The auditor is also one of the current owners in Villawangsamas.

MC is targeting the account ended 31st December 2015 to be ready and table up during our 2016 AGM where the official date will be announced later.  

Let us together welcome Mr. Izzuddin as the new Resident Manager and Jeffrey Suffian Chartered Accountants as the new auditor.

We hope with this initiative more of our own owners/residents will be involved in serving Villawangsamas community and be part of the betterment of our beloved condominium.

Thank you for your cooperation.

For and on behalf of Villawangsamas Condominium MC.