Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Residents Registration & Car Sticker *Update*

With reference to the reference to last months’ notice regarding the resident registration exercise & car sticker renewal, its disappointing to note that less than half the units have registered their details so far.

Please be reminded that all effective w/c 11th March 2013:
  • All unregistered access cards will be deleted from the system 
  • Any cars without the 2013 car sticker will be barred and those found parked inside without a sticker will be clamped

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Update on Illegal Firework Display

Following the serious incident concerning an unauthorised and illegal firework display on Sunday 3rd Feb we would like to provide an update.


A function was held in the MPH by a tenant from F-3-6 that appeared to spill out into the surrounding pool deck. Despite the house rules prohibiting it, alcohol was consumed and the attendees become rowdy as a result. The party then set off several large boxes of fireworks which then exploded just meters away from the upper floors of the several blocks.

The security guards attended however due to the size of the party and the drunk aggressive nature they called for backup from the police.

Unfortunately an irate resident then tried to take matter into his own hands and confronted the party with a large "parang". A ruckus ensued however it is believed that the resident encountered only minor injuries. This resident has yet to be identified.

A police report against the party organiser has been lodged. In addition their MPH booking deposit has been forfeited and they are now banned for holding any more functions.

The actions of both the party organiser and the resident with the parang are unacceptable, dangerous, illegal and downright stupid.

snapshot_20130204_14h19m12s snapshot_20130204_14h19m25s
It is believed that the man with the sword is a resident at D-1-x and if anybody know who is he and which unit he from, kindly contact the management office in confidence via vwangsamas@gmail.com
This incident and highlighted the need for greater control and governance around the use of common facilities and all parties (JMC, Management Office & Securitry) are committed to improving these areas.

We would like to reiterate our house rules clearly state that fireworks are prohibited at Villa Wangsamas.

The house rules are there for our own safety and to promote a harmonious living environment. Any resident who breaks these rules will be prohibited indefinitely from making future bookings of the common facilities and any deposits made will be forfeited.

Moving forward, bookings of the common facilities shall only be considered if they are accompanied by an assurance in writing that the house rules shall not be breached.

Any breach will not be tolerated, and should it happen, the standard operating procedure shall be that a police report will be lodged against the resident and they will be prohibited indefinitely from booking the common facilities.

Monday, February 4, 2013

JMC Organisational update - 14/1/2013

It is with regret that we have to announce the resignation of Liew Kok Oom from the JMC effective 14 January 2013.

The JMC plan to meet soon and will appoint a new Treasurer an the earliest opportunity.

Public Holiday - Office Closed

Please be informed that the management office will be closed on:


Please keep your home safe by locking all doors and grills or inform someone to keep a look out if your planning a long holiday.

The management wishes all chinese residents and their familys “a happy and prosperous Chinese New Year.”

Thank you
Management Services

Fireworks - Prohibited

Following last nights unacceptable, illegal and dangerous firework display an investigation has been launched.

We hope this will be concluded within the next 24 hours following which an update will be posted on the blog.

Residents are remdinded that forms of fireworks displays or use of fire crackers within the premises of Villawangsamas Condominium is prohibited at all times.